5 guiding principles for successful GenAI implementation

About the author

5 guiding principles for successful GenAI implementation
Viral Tripathi
Global CIO

The world of AI is abuzz with possibilities. From automating mundane tasks to fueling groundbreaking innovations, AI holds immense potential to transform businesses. But where do you even begin to develop an EA and implementation roadmap for your company?

As a CIO or CTO, navigating the exciting yet complex world of AI can be daunting. Here are 5 guiding principles I stand by and use in my role every day may help you embark on a successful GenAI implementation journey:

1. Reality check: Set the right expectations
AI is powerful, but it’s not magic. Before diving in, conduct a thorough reality check. Identify your AI needs, understand its limitations, and assess your internal capabilities. Don’t get caught up in the hype – be clear-eyed about what AI can and can’t do for your specific business processes.

2. Incremental investment: Pilot, test, and learn
Don’t go all-in right away. Instead, adopt an incremental investment approach. Start with pilot projects to test the waters and identify the most impactful use cases. This allows you to experiment, learn from failures, and refine your approach before scaling up.

3. Foster a culture of innovation: Embrace hybrid teams
GenAI thrives in a culture that embraces innovation. Break down silos and create hybrid teams where IT and business units (BUs) work together. Encourage open communication and collaboration throughout the development process. Involve potential users early on to gather feedback and ensure the developed solutions address their actual needs.

4. Prioritize practical applications: Focus on measurable ROI
Shiny new AI tech is great, but it needs a purpose. Focus on identifying practical applications of AI that address real business challenges. This ensures a measurable ROI – a crucial factor for gaining buy-in from stakeholders. Pilot projects with well-defined success metrics can help demonstrate the value proposition of AI initiatives.

There’s a natural tension between understanding the value of AI and precisely measuring its ROI. While quantifying the impact of AI on some aspects of business can be difficult, the overall value it brings shouldn’t be underestimated. Think of AI as a foundational element, much like electricity or the internet. It’s not always easy to isolate its impact, but its presence is undeniable.

5. Continuous communication and education: navigate the evolving landscape
The world of AI is constantly evolving. Commit to ongoing communication and education within your organization. Keep your teams informed about the latest advancements and challenges in AI. Upskill your workforce to leverage AI effectively. Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but human expertise remains irreplaceable.

I’ve seen firsthand how following these principles can set you up for a successful journey with GenAI when I developed the GAIN (Guided Artificial Intelligence Network) framework for my company. Here’s the thing: implementing AI effectively is a marathon, not a sprint. But if you plan carefully, experiment a bit, and make continuous learning a priority, you can unlock the truly transformative power of GenAI within your organization. It’s exciting stuff!

About the author

Viral Tripathi is the Global CIO at Ascendion. He is a seasoned global technology executive specializing in digital transformation leveraging AI, Cloud, and Data. He has also held senior technology and advisory roles at KPMG and the Associated Press. Viral holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Gujarat University, a Master’s Diploma in Computer Science from Datapro InfoTech, and an Executive MBA from the University of Cambridge.